Friday, March 1, 2013

Ten Times Me!

10 things I know to be true:

The Book of Mormon is true
Joseph Smith was a prophet
There is a living Prophet today-President Thomas S. Monson
God Lives
Jesus Christ loves me and atoned for my sins
I will live with my family for eternity
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true.
I am going on a mission
My family loves me
I have amazing friends!

10 Objects I cant live without:

Computers (homework!!! Handwriting things can be a pain!)
Telephones (what would we do without fast communication in our world?)
My Cello
Clothes (well hey! I bet you couldn’t either!)
My house
Air Conditioning and Heat!
A warm place to sleep (I don’t have a bed right now-it broke. I will be getting a new one soon :P)

10 things I should have learned by now:

How to fly
How a transmission works
All of the United States Presidents names
All of the countries in Europe
Why Calculus is relevant to my life
Raise the Leading Tone!
How to effectively practice Cello (yes, I am still working on it)
How to clean my room (I don’t even want to try!)
Why yard work is necessary
Why Dvorak’s New World Symphony is SO AMAZING!!

10 of my greatest fears:

Death by gunshot
Falling off of a 3,000 foot cliff
Being in an airplane crash (yet I love airplanes!!)
Car crashes (my mom would kill me!)
Kidnappers (not much anymore but when I was little I was terrified!)
Hitting a pedestrian with a car
Breaking a bone
Getting Stitches

The 10 things, places, people etc, that make me the most happy:

The Temple
My family
My friends
The gospel
Basketball (with friends)
Flag football
My baby sister Laura

10 places I will visit before I die:

Europe ( I don’t remember a lot of
South America
New York

Fun, Kind, Talented, Intelligent
Older brother and example to Amber, Stephen, Noelle (Ellie), Julianne, Travis (TJ), Grace, and litte Laura Lyn 
Loves music, family, and fun with friends!
Who feels loved, happy to be himself, and excited for the future
Who needs friendship, family, and freedom to learn
Who gives help to those in need, love to those without, and friendship to those around him
Who fears wasps, spiders, and pain
Who would like to see Nauvoo, China, and Taiwan
Who lives in Utah, in a wonderful house with his amazing family


  1. I think that everyone fears spiders, and at least a few different bugs. Great lists and poem. They really show your personality. I want to go to china too some day. Great Blog.

  2. calculus is defintely relevant to life..... said none algebra students. But Its more fun than doing stupid Algebra haha.I definitely agree with you on air conditioning.... what would our lives be...and overall, your post was super interesting to read!

  3. hahaha ur post was priceless!!! haha i loved how you brought a lot of what you use in your daily life and how you were able to sort them.
