Monday, February 4, 2013


After reading a story in class with Mr. Dye about a boy who is wrongfully treated by his older brother, we talked about the difference between I-it and I-thou ways of being.  We often treat other people as assets or roadblocks to our goals or desires, and rarely stop to think about the way that other people feel and their personal dreams, ambitions, or desires.  I find that I sometimes treat my siblings just as people that I live with that are part of my life.  This is not right!  They are people, with their own likes, dislikes, and feelings.  I am learning to try more to cater to their needs, and realize that they are not here for me.  We are here to help each other.  The same principle applies to my friends and even people that I have never met.  I can strive for an I-thou state of being by serving others and agreeing to the things that they want.

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